Wednesday, May 8, 2013


God is making you divine...What is it?


We are already divine by birth Our Father is  God ...God is our Padre. Can you imagine the fun God had when He made you, with Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

You were made to be  not for 80 years but for 282828282828trillions of infinite years, to be Just like God, like St Michael when He appeared in Taly or fighting with the devil.....likew Jesus on the Resurrectiion

We exist because God is in us..Did you know this?

Nothing exists unless God is in that thinkg...stone,

But He is in us in a very especial way.....

Read St Teresa of Avila..Or St Cafherine of Siena..She was 6. On the way home one afternoon..Suddenly Christ the  King   appears to her,  Jesus was dressed like a Bishop. He was smiling to her...She was like glued to the ground...beholding Jesus..
can you imagine here the following days when she was stll six praying for hours with all the kids, and chastising her body...The day she wanted to be a father of the funny....when Jesus one day took  her hear and put his heart

We are  like Jesus and do like Jesus...nd feel like we are on fire...

This is one case very miraculous.The normal thing is ...God unites himself to  us when Baptism..The masses when Jesus comes to love the Father...THe Communion....God in us.

..If we let Him  God will enter in us....Jn 14,22ffNad we will is not I who lives . It is God in me....

Then God with his presence...fills us with his presence...We feel like dancing, singing...praying for hors with excitement.....helping visiting and kissing the sick and the poor.....

I AM ASKING JESUS...Jesus send the Holy Spieit and immerse us in the Holy Trinity..There  we will  be like Jesus another god..,WhAT A HAPPINESS