Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Fr BLog


Thi year Monday of the Holy  Week is the day of  the Incarnation or annunciation.   I just cannot get over!

Mary . Her parents are farmers. She, this is my thought, was doing some work in the fields, either taking cara  of the little flock or doing some farming;’

SAUDENLY! ! Suddenly! And angel comes to h er. Read, Lk 26ff. I spend lot of time thinking on this event. What happened! One of the things , If I make heaven , I will ask the Angel Gabriel or Mary when she is not busy, what happened.

Can you conceive or imagine this?. The Angel telling Mary, you are the mot important lady of the universe and of all times…
What did Mary Say to that?  Shock !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After She heard all the angel said….she probably told Him, crying nervous, feeling nothing” Angel, I how am I going to be the mother of God’s Son? I am just a farmer woman! I do not know how to speak or to act in public gatherings! ! See my hands!

The angel, Yeeeesssss!!!!!!!!!! , you are right but God the infinitely great love and fire has decided to choose Youuuuuuuuuu1 You have been  Chosen to make the divine naper.He has chosen  have chosen!!!You!!!!!!!!!!  Read Philipians 2  And Galatians   

You all remember Christmas Day. Now it is Tuesday of the Holy Week.> It isd like a something I cannot Explain: God the Father Jesus and the Holy Spirit were in the Passion of Jesus. ? What do you think God the Father and Jesus were saying to each other when Jesus was in the Garden? Remember Romans 8,28-35.  And  Gal.4-6. I Cor 5,

II Cor 5, 21..God made His Son to be sin. He made His sO responsible of the sins of the World.  And He paid for it…But this is what blows my mind away:; God was reconciling and adopting us for Children in the death of His Son..II Cpor 5,19.

I would like to feel or something what God the Father was telling Jesus when He was paying your all sins of the world, yours and mine too , when Christ was dying in that torture
. !What was the H9oly Spirit Telling Jesus .

And t Guess what .God the Father Jesus and t he Holy Spirit are beginning the Catholic Church.

Do you understand what we mean when We say God is love ! This God is Love for man .This is God for us..

                                     Que se dirian Cristo y Su Padre y el Espiritu Santo , cuando Cristo estaba en la Pasion y era Machacado y crucificado?

e estoy yo imagiando en estos momentos que yo estoy an la Pasion desde el Sabado antes de Domingo Ramos. Me junté con la muchedumbre que iba a Jerusalen acompañando a Cristo . ! Quye emocion! Haz lo mismo en estos dias : El Jueves Santo vete  al ultima cena de Cristo de sirviente. Y el Viernes Santo desde la multitud gritas con fuerza, diciendo "este Es Dios . Este Es la Segunda Persona de la Trinidad." Dios Su Padre, lo hizo culpable y responsable de todos los pecados. Y le mandó amarle muriendo pagando por todos los Pecadores.  Leame el capitulo 53 del Profeta Isaias Y  Romanos 8. Especialmente  8,32 .St Pablo dice que Dios Padre entrego a Cristo a la muerte por los hombres. Hizo que Cristo pagase por la culpa de todos los insultos y sinverguencerias de los hombres siendo crucificadoi. IICor5,21. Dios nos  adoptóo por hijos en La cruz mientras Cristo moria.

Que le diiria Cristo al Padre cundo llevaba la Cruz medio muerto! Y cuando establa crucificado en medio del cielo y de la tierra..! Que dolor!
Como seguimos a Jesus , solo miramos y miramos como sufre y muere en medio de tanto dolor burlas y sufrimientos.

?Es  usted Catolico? >?No lo es?

Alli en la Cruz  nacio la Iglesia Catolica. Dios Padre  Se hace Iglesia con Criso y el Espiritu.  alli puso su nombre en la lista de los que iban a ser su cuerpo en el
mundo.? Que dirian y se hablaria El Padre, Cristo y El Espiritu Santo cuando Cristo moria del palizon y  torturas que le hicieron.

Dios es Amor. I Juan ,4.8 Dios quiere y ama a todos , incloso a los que no quieren que Dios le ame.

Hoy Mañana y Pasado unase a Dios Padre , a Cristo y al Espiritu Santo. Pidale al E Santo que le haga sentir algo de aquel amor de Dios mas de 1838383483838trillones grande!

Como le hablaria Cristo al Padre or usted y de usted?  ! que emocion cuando el Padre Le dijo, Mira Jesus  los adopto por hijos. Adopto a esta amiga o a migo tuyo por hijos .

Salta de Gozo:eres de la familia intima de Dios! Estas divinizado!

Pasa con Cristo y con Su PAdre y el E. Santo alguna hora el dia de Juevees y o Viernes Santo compartiendo su adopcion, la muerte suya quke se cargo. OK? Mira a ver si el Espiritu snto la intrukduce en La Santisima Trinidad. Feliz Viernes Santo.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Being a Catholic

How lucky you are for being a Catholic these days!

I was always so impressed by the Holy Week and the Fridays of Lent, that I was going through a crisis from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday.  Every Friday night, we had the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, and they were very impressive to me.  Then, they turned off the lights of the church.  We had a big alter with a big picture of Purgatory.  By the way, there was a priest paying for not being a good priest.  I was so impressed that seeing under the alter, there were the skulls of many people.  Then, we were singing the Psalm 50.  The priest was on the alter, and about 20 men far, far away in the sacresty, with the lights off, were singing Psalm 50.  If you could hear me, I would sing it for you.  That was something, when people were asking God to have mercy on us all and let us go into his kingdom.

Then Palm Sunday, the procession of palms.  The statues in the church were covered up, and somehow, God was coming to the little town.  Everybody, farmers, animals and everybody, was taking part in the Holy Week.  Thursday night, everybody was in the church until 2 or 3 o'clock in the morning, and everybody has one candle burning for the Blessed Sacrament.  On Good Friday, a big procession from one church to another.  Everyone thinking, poor Jesus is going through Hell.  I still remember since the services were different hours from now, that I said the Stations of the Cross at 3 pm in 1947 because the priest had an emergency and had to go to the next parish to give the last rights to somebody.  Then you had the real services of the night, where you joined the dying Jesus.  In many parishes, not in mine, they had the burial of Jesus.

Now being 100 years old, I am so lucky thinking of that and how lucky I am that God made you and I that church that was born on Good Friday.  You and I are in a big program, designed by God for us to be created by God.  Then, ay ay ay, sins and insults to God.

And here it is now, God comes to the cross after he hands Jesus to die on it.  God wanted Jesus to love while paying for our insults so that God could adopt you and I for children to be happier than 11234235236347437 in Heaven.  Guess what!  God in tha hatred, in that hurting, is telling you and I "I am a powerful God that is all for you."  God is more powerful now than when he created the trillions and trillions of worlds.  God is on the cross to make us innocent to become children of God.

Now we have the Pope, and this is the last sign that God is working in the world.  God finished the church when Jesus was on the cross, and for us to see it, he elected a pope.

Happy you!  Happy me that God loves us so much!  Happy Holy Week!